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The service sector accounts for 80% of total employment in Leeds. Alongside financial and business services, major employers include the retail, distribution, tourism and leisure sectors. Leeds city centre is the main retail centre for the surrounding region, with a catchment area of 3.2 million people. Over 1000 shops in the city centre employ 14,000 people, while a total of 41,000 people are employed in the retail sector as a whole. The annual survey carried out by Experian Goad names Leeds as one of the UK's top retail destinations.

Alongside the expansion in retail, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of bars, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs and hotels. Tourism is big business in Leeds, bringing nearly £735m into the local economy, attracting 1.4 million trips involving an overnight stay and 18.4 million day trips. This supports nearly 20,000 full-time equivalent jobs.

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